viernes, abril 22, 2005


Sweet Dreams Mural

Anoche tradujimos esta canción que tanto le gusta a mi hija. Hoy se la quiero regalar , para que nunca deje de creer en sus sueños. La tarde está un poco ajetreada. Pero ya sólo falta el peinado de Isa y unos detallitos más. Besos para todos los que están pendientes de mi y de mi hija. Anoche le di un gran abrazo porque me dijo que ya no estaba brava con su nonna. La semana que viene iremos a conversar con la psiquiatra, me tocará asesorarme con ella. Por más que cambie de actitud, hay cosas que no va a olvidar tan fácilmente. Y no quiero ese tipo de recuerdos para ella.

"What Dreams Are Made Of"

Have you ever seen such a beautiful night?
I could almost kiss the stars for shining so bright
When i see you smiling, I go
oh oh oh
i would never want to miss this
cuz in my heart i know what this is


This is what dreams are made of

This is what dreams are made of
I've got somewhere i belong
I've got somebody to love
This is what dreams are made of

Have you ever wondered what life is about?
You could search the world and never figure it out
you don't have to sail the oceans
no no no
happiness is no mystery
it's here now it's you and me


Open your eyes
(This is what dreams are made of)
shout to the sky
(This is what dreams are made of)

Then i see u smiling, I go
oh oh oh
Yesterday my life was duller
Now everything's technicolor


This is what dreams
This is what dreams are made of

This is what dreams are made of
I've got somewhere i belong
I've got somebody to love
This is what dreams are made of

This is what dreams
This is what dreams are made of